Membership to meal plans

The Monthly meal plan membership is for those savy goal-driven people who want awesome food and don't feel like they have the time or the where with all to find and execute tasty fast success orientated meal plans that are quick easy and taste great!

As a monthly member, all the headache of that is taken care of for you!

Easy ways and recipes to up your meal plan game and ultimately up your health and weight loss game to the next level!

Your one-stop destination for Meal plans, Shopping list, Meal prep how-to guides, tips, and tricks.

Every month you get already done for you meal plans with awesome recipes and itemized grocery lists. 

How easy and awesome to make your life easier and create that time you think you don't have!

13 Modules

Bonus 15 shakes or smoothie recipes!

15 amazing smoothie recipes! Add more protein if you want higher protein!

Bonus Four surprising reasons why you can’t lose weight (Hint: It has something to do with your genes)

August bonus How to set up great goals!

Have you ever set a goal or an intention and not followed through with it?

Have any of those  goals ever included some form of “lose weight”, “get healthier”, and “tone
These are great goals. However, they do not provide a road map or plan to actually achieve them.

Setting the right kinds of goals can help you set realistic expectations and break large projects into smaller, actionable tasks. This avoids overwhelm and helps you stay committed. 

May bonus Wheel of Life assesment

Not to often we take a look at where we are in our lives. This wheel of life assessment is going to do just that.

Where else in your life are you needing some attention or improvement?


This bonus module is about you  #OWNingIT

This framework is a series of questions that you can ask yourself every single time you face problems, obstacles, or triggers

February 21 day Challenge

Hey there,

As we kick off this journey into the new year, I can't help but feel the excitement of a fresh start. It's that time when we take a step back, reflect on the past year, and set our sights on being the best version of ourselves moving forward. And you know what often comes up during this reflection? The realization that it's high time we prioritize our health.

So, I've got something exciting for us – the 21-Day Health Transformation Challenge! Over the next three weeks, I'm thrilled to guide you through a series of challenges aimed at cultivating healthier habits and boosting our overall well-being. Let's dive into this together and make strides towards a happier, healthier version of ourselves. Get ready for a journey that's all about positive change and self-improvement!

Here's to our health journey,

Modules for this product 13
Get started right now!

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 $24.97 CAD  ( then $24.97 CAD a month )

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I agree to receive a Monthly subscription to the meal plan, shopping and recipe guides.

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